Whittier Elementary School Playground
Whittier Elementary School Playground
This brand new playground is equipped with so many fun and exciting ways to play. In addition to a exhilarating 5-12 structure, the play area includes a 2-5 structure and freestanding equipment. Kids 5-12 have multiple exciting ways to access the playground so there is a constant flow of traffic. Also, this structure includes an 8′ deck with two climbers and a Double Swoosh Slide®. For the youngest kids at Whittier, a 2-5 structure offers sliding, climbing, and overhead play. Lastly, Whittier Elementary School Playground includes multiple freestanding play components. Those being a OmniSpin® Spinner, Chinning Bars, Parallel Bars and Wobble® Pods.
PlayBooster® and FreestandingAge Range
2-12 years
1320 NW 75th St.Seattle, WA 98117